Guy Jarvis

Guy Jarvis

Executive Vice President, Liquids Pipelines, Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Guy Jarvis was named Executive Vice President, Liquids Pipelines on February 16, 2017.

Guy has been responsible for all of Enbridge’s crude oil and liquids pipeline businesses across North America since March 1, 2014. His portfolio includes operations of all of Canadian and US liquids pipelines, regional and gathering systems and storage, and also includes Major Projects in support of liquids and renewable projects.

Guy previously held the title of Chief Commercial Officer for Liquids Pipelines, with responsibility for strategic and integrated services, customer service, finance, and business and market development. Prior to Guy’s work in Liquids Pipelines, he served as President, Gas Distribution, providing overall leadership to Enbridge Gas Distribution, Canada’s largest natural gas utility, as well as Enbridge Gas New Brunswick, Gazifère and St. Lawrence Gas.

Guy has been involved in the oil and gas business for 30 years. Previously at Enbridge, Guy served as Senior Vice President, Investor Relations & Enterprise Risk; Senior Vice President, Business Development; Vice President, Upstream Development for Enbridge Pipelines Inc.; and Vice President, Gas Services for Enbridge Inc.

He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan.